whoami :

My name is Imran Hayder and I'm a software engineer based in San Francisco. Currently working for EMC Corp. in the Cloud Compute Team of SF where we are mostly working with developing distributed system for opentack servers and shared storage using ScaleIO.

curl -v 'interests' :

My main areas of focus are distributed systems, running Jenkins CI environment with dynamic slave provisioning, develop gating checks on code submissions and integration with Stash/gerrit/github. I have also performed extensive QA testing at both API level using unit/smoke/integration testing and Selenium based testing for WebUI written in python.

go get 'links' :

You can find my source code for the most projects I worked at : github.com/hayderimran7/

Here is my stackalytics, a website developed by Opentack Team to show individual users contribution : My stackalytics profile